Tools for reconnecting

with your life energy


The Numbers that Explain You & the Cycles in Your Life

You’ve probably heard it before: EVERYTHING IS ENERGY! We live in an electromagnetic field that includes the whole Universe in and around us. In that field, minerals play a big part. They interact with each other and create shifts in energy. They are everywhere, including in our bodies, our food, our homes … Minerals are formed in the stars, in supernovas to be exact.

The electromagnetic energy & polarity generated from the interaction of minerals in the Universe affect us in varying ways and create cycles of effects. And as energetic beings, we also affect each other’s energy fields.

Did you know that your date of birth pinpoints a moment in time that is a snapshot of the energies in the cosmos at the time you were born?

On that day, energies interacted in a certain way that affected YOU in a certain way, as you came out of your mother’s energy field to start your own independent life in the Quantum Field.

What is more, because sounds are vibrations & therefore energy too, the sounds that make up your name are like little bits of energy that, when assembled into your name, constitute a kit of energy tools that impact you also - your own, unique energy melody.

Thousands of years ago in ancient Greece and in the Orient, these effects of cosmic energy on our bodies & our lives were quantified. Patterns of how they affect us, emerged into a system called Numerology.

Would you like to know what energies were present when you were born, and how they affected (and are still affecting) you? And what about the cycles that were created from that moment on in your life?

Discover what secrets your Numbers hold. This is an empowering tool that will help you understand yourself and others at a deep level, & help you better navigate your life.


A powerful tool for self-knowledge in all areas of your life

No, this is not the generalized paragraph found in magazines that is really more like a throwing of darts in the dark!!

Instead, it is - at least in my eyes, the science of interpretation of astronomy’s effects on us here on planet Earth.

We know from experience as well as from science that the sun can burn our skin, even though it is very far from us. The sun also helps our bodies make vitamin D, melanin, and melatonin, among other things. And insurance companies or nurses and doctors know that more babies are born and more accidents happen during the full moon, while women’s periods and sea levels are also related to the gravitational pull of the moon as it orbits around the Earth.

So, if this is true, then why would the other celestial bodies out there in the solar system (and beyond) not also have an effect on us? Some of them are huge masses of energy, and some are smaller, but astrology tells us of their impact on us and on our behaviors.

As in numerology, we use the date of birth to get a snapshot of the solar system energies at the moment we came into the world. But here, we also need the time and place of birth to calculate what part of the ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun around us) was rising in the east. This allows us to locate everything else in relationship to it. The place we were born adds more information in terms of the angles all the planets, stars, and asteroids made with us and with each other. Consider for a moment the fact that we can calculate to the degree, minute, and second the location of each of these celestial bodies even hundreds of years from now. I find this precision astounding!

Astrology originated in Babylon around 400 BC, when the ancient Babylonians noticed patterns in the effects on all life (plants, animals, and humans) of the planets or luminaries (the sun and the moon). Still today, many gardeners use an almanac that tells them when to plant, prune, or harvest, based on the phases of the moon.

Astrology is rich in information on all areas of your life. You will learn so much about yourself using this tool.

Would you like to know what suits you best in your love life, how to communicate better with your spouse or children, which way to direct your efforts - action, creativity, living from emotion, or taking care of the practical aspects? Are you a leader or will you thrive as second in command, or maybe you have the soul of an artist? What about your special gifts, your struggles, your most-suited professional activities, and again the rhythms in your life? Or how can you build yourself back up when you are low in energy, or what to look out for with your health? And if you don’t know yet, what might be your life purpose - your path of fulfillment and impact?

Then, choose astrology on the Get Started page, and let’s discover all of that and more!

NOTE: the astrology I like to practice, focuses on self-knowledge rather than predicting the future, which can be highly paralyzing and not helpful. However, we can talk about cycles in your life, like a cosmic weather forecast that shows favorable and less favorable times to do certain activities. This is like knowing it might rain: you still have full choice of what you will do, but you will be empowered to choose the timing that works best for you, based on your objectives.

Feng Shui

How we create our environment from within and how, by looking at it, we can see where adjustments are needed

Feng Shui is fascinating! When you visit someone’s home or office, you can pretty much tell in what areas of their lives they are doing well and in which ones they are not. This is the mirror effect in full force: wherever we are struggling in our inner life, it is reflected in our home. So, first, Feng Shui is a tool for evaluating how we are doing in the different parts of our life: a tremendous tool to gain awareness!

Then, we can make some changes that improve the situation, so that the energy flow impacts us positively instead of negatively. By working both on our inner life in order to radiate the desired energies and on the outer manifestation that is our house (car, office, yard, …), we can significantly improve the general energy flow in our life or the energy flow in a particular area.

For example, if you make a good amount of money but somehow you are always tight financially, the energetic zone of Abundance in your home will likely contain energy drains. The beauty of Feng Shui is that by identifying the culprits and then making adjustments in that area of your home, you will shift the mirror energy and make it easier for the inner reality to change too. We are energy and our environment is energy. So, by acting on one consciously, we affect the other. Feng Shui is a great illustration of our interconnectedness with everything around us.

For a Feng Shui evaluation, options are a visit of the home (a good option for locals only), or submission of an overall plan of the home (instructions will be given), pictures of the outside of the home and of the 9 different indoor zones (instructions given too), and a short video walk-through you can easily make with your phone.

Once issues are identified in an area, Feng Shui solutions are put in place to remedy the problems.

If you’d like to know what your home is telling about the state of your life, then this is an opportunity to look in the “mirror” and make adjustments to create positive results. Because everything is energy, by working from inside and out in synchronization, changes can occur quite rapidly. The power of Feng Shui is incredible!

Universal Laws or Laws of Energy

The rules by which energy circulates and functions in our lives

Here, we talk about the ramifications of living in a world where everything, including people, is energy. Understanding the laws that explain energy in us and everywhere else, how it flows, how it gets blocked, how to use it for healing our lives, how to use it for manifesting our desires, and why it matters to you and your life, is the key to making successful changes.

What do you want resolved or improved? What are your goals? How do you make it happen the easy way vs the hard way?

There are definitely rules to how energy circulates and operates in and around us. Feng Shui is already one of the tools that is based on energy flow, but there are many other tools. You may have heard of the Law of Attraction or the Law of Cause and Effect. There is also the Law of Polarity and its derivatives like the importance of alignment. Alignment is crucial, so we need to understand where we are aligned and where we are not. Imagine a faucet with water flowing out, but our bucket is off to the side: how can we possibly receive the water? How can we be full of the abundant and endless energy the universe provides for us? We need to put the bucket back firmly in alignment with the faucet, so we can fill it.

If you are living your life not being fully yourself, this information is going to help you tremendously.

By understanding the rules of the universe or energy, we are able to align with them for our benefit. There are techniques that allow us to use universal laws to manifest in our reality the dreams and goals we have. Again, it is about starting from within to affect our outer reality, but also understanding that we live immersed in the universal energy field and that it impacts us too.

This tool of universal laws is the foundation of self-knowledge and also of self-actualization. It is also great for removing blockages and limiting beliefs that prevent us from thriving, as well as putting in place habits that support us.

If you’d like to understand more about yourself as the energy being that you are, know more about the rules of the universal quantum field, learn how to eliminate blockages, and acquire empowering skills to reach your potential, then this tool is for you.