Reconnect with Yourself,

So You Can Thrive in Your Life!

Living from within

When our life is not what we want it to be, we often try to fix it from the outside & try to take action in our physical reality: we work hard trying to heal by following diets and exercising more; we seek to be wealthy by working 16 hours a day; and we hope to improve our marriage by trying to become our spouse’s idea of the ideal partner … But I have learned that our solutions are to be found within, and that the energy that emanates from inside us, creates our external reality in a mirror effect. So, how can the mirror of our external life reflect abundance, if we don’t feel abundant to begin with? Our inner state dictates what is reflected in our outer world, just as ripples in the water are created from the center outward. And when we try to heal or fix our life in the physical reality, or from the outside in, we are doing things in reverse and also the hard way!

Getting to know ourselves first

If we are to start from within, then doesn’t it make sense that we need to first know ourselves? Socrates and Aristotle, known to be the wise men of their times, said that, above everything else we might learn or do, the foundation of a fulfilling life is to get to know ourselves .

So, let me say this: YOU are the most important person in your life! It is not selfish to focus on yourself, when it is done with your highest good and the highest good of all in mind. In fact, it is absolutely necessary, if you want your reality mirror to reflect the life of your dreams and desires, and for all the relationships in your life to be truthful and healthy. How can you give love, if your bucket is empty and you don’t know how to fill it? How can you contribute, if you don’t know what you have to offer? How can you thrive, if you don’t know what you truly need? And how can you really be present for those you love, if you are not even there for yourself?

The toolkit

There are many ways to get to know yourself. In fact, I would say that anything that teaches you something about yourself, is a win. This being said, some tools go deeper than others, and the deeper you go, the closer you are to your energetic truth and the cosmic or divine force that has given you life.

The tools that have helped me on my journey and that I use in the services I offer, are many and they revolve around knowing ourselves, understanding the energy field that we live in, and creating alignment between the two. They include understanding the cosmic energy field and its rhythms and learning how it impacts us, Numerology (we live in a mathematical universe), Astrology (like the sun and the moon, the rest of the cosmos is part of our world), Feng Shui (opening up the energy channels in & around us), the Laws of Energy (aka Universal Laws). Each of these tools has deepened my understanding of what and who I am, helped me heal and become whole again after life challenges, and guided me to reach the outcomes I desire. I have made it my mission to use my knowledge of these tools to empower anyone who wants to deepen their self-knowledge and open up the channels to thrive in their life.

What will self-knowledge tools do for YOU?

They will show you and help you define what you are gifted at, what you love, what your mission or purpose is, how you can improve life for yourself and other people, how you relate to others, how you love them, how you feel loved, what your primary mode of communication is, what the cycles of energy are in your life and in the lives of those around you, what can give you true fulfillment, how to best regenerate and recharge your batteries, how to heal and thrive, how you relate to your environment and how to arrange it so energy can flow harmoniously, how to create abundance and prosperity in your life, and much more. The depth you can go to, is quite astounding! More on each of the four tools under the “Toolkit” tab above.

“This journey was fun and made a huge difference in my life.”

—Mary M.

“How can you know so much about me, and we have never met before!”

—Tanya T.


“This was very affirming!”

—Andrea G.

“This has given me so much clarity!”

—Sally P.


“The work I’ve done with you, has explained so many things I didn’t understand about myself before.”

—Guillaume L.

“I thought I knew myself well, but I have learned much that I was not aware of.”

—Kristi O.

How does it work?

Together, we create a “map”, so you can navigate your life to its fullest potential. Depending on the depth to which you want to go, you may choose one session with me, or it could be more. Are you in search of deep healing? Are you doing well but looking to deepen your self-knowledge? Are you just curious and want to try something different and exciting? Do you want to address a specific issue or area of your life? Do you just want an hour or two to just talk about you? Do you want to make a plan to reach your life goals starting from within instead of without?

All these options and more are possible, and the solutions for you will be custom-tailored based on what YOU want.

To see some choices, click on Get Started below.